Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University Announces Bachelor of Science in Biology

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University (LCOOU) is pleased to announce its recent approval by the Higher Learning Commission for the newly developed Bachelor of Science in Biology.

“We are excited to be offering this new Bachelor of Science degree in Biology which helps students achieve an Associate degree first in Biomedical Sciences or Agriculture and Natural Resources Management and then be able to enter the junior year of the Bachelor of Science in Biology degree. The Associate degree is achievable in the first two years with the Bachelor of Science in Biology achievable in the next two years for a full-time student” shares Debra H. Anderson, Ph.D. faculty, Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University.

Faculty Mike Heim shares that “Career placement for those enrolled in the AAS in Agriculture & Natural Resources or the AS in Biomedical Sciences Degree Plans has been outstanding.  By offering a Bachelor of Science in Biology with an emphasis on the same choice of programs, the opportunity for advancement for our students increases dramatically.”

The Bachelor of Science in Biology was developed based on the recommendations from LCOOU’s Degree Program Advisory Boards and survey feedback. A March 2022 survey of LCOOU Alumni and current students indicated the interested in a Bachelor of Science in Biology was 84.6% indicating interest and 15.4 % indicating possible interest.

Students will select a concentration in Biomedical Sciences or Ag & Natural Resources.  

The Biomedical Sciences track is designed to prepare individuals for careers in in various medical and laboratory settings. Students will have the opportunity to develop relevant skills and knowledge for a variety of careers. Specifically, the program will provide training for biomedical, quality assurance, biological technician, veterinary/dental/medical and other pre-professional skills.

The Agriculture and Natural Resource Management track will prepare students for several different career pathways. They will have the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to assess and manage natural resources. Students will collect, apply, and analyze data applicable to various careers.

Students in both tracks will be provided the opportunity to participate in internships, research, and hands-on experiences in their respective areas of interest and study.

Registration for the program opens with fall registration, April 3, 2023.

Please contact Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University Admissions for more information or 715-634-4790 ext. 148.


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