


Things to consider when shopping for your books

Why are ISBN numbers important?

Always ensure that the ISBN and textbook image match the textbook(s) listed for your course.

What is eCampus?

Here students can search all textbooks by course. If needed, students can utilize a purchasing credit that is applied to their financial aid account. However, credit does not mean free. This is the simplest solution and the only option with a credit option, but it might not always be the most affordable. It has great benefits for those who want to use a financial boost and ensure they have textbooks on day one of class. For more information on textbook credit information, contact financial aid at

What are my other options besides eCampus?

Amazon, Cengage, and the publishers of the textbook you’re looking for can be a great option for you in terms of affordability and faster shipping. Other sources to consider include Barnes and Noble, Chegg, Abe books, Bookfinder, and eBay.

Cengage unlimited allows students to rent up to 4 textbooks per semester for a flat fee.

Borrowing the textbook from friends who took the class before you and kept the books might also be an option for you or check out the Learning Center.

Plums or Nuts: Ojibwe Stories of Anishinaabe Humor

Gaa-pi-izhiwebak Aaanijibimaadizing

Ge-ni-aabadak Giniigaaniiminaang

Akawe Niwii-tibaajim

Anooj Inaajimod


Relativization in Ojibwe


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Naadamaading: Dibaajimowinan Ji-Nisidotaading


For any questions or concerns, please contact Michael Dudley,