

Main Campus

13466 W. Trepania Road

Hayward, WI 54843-2181



Bad River

Blackbird Center​

72682 Maple St.

Odanah, WI 54861


Site Coordinator

Lac du Flambeau

Peace Pipe Rd/P.O. Box 721

Lac du Flambeau, WI, 54538

715 588-3457

Site Coordinator


Red Cliff

37390 State Hwy 13

Bayfield, WI 54814

715-779-3700 ext 4286

Outreach Services

 Outreach Site Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Subject to change based on student needs.

Academic Degrees & Certificates

LCOOU courses are offered through Distance Education (NC-SARA approved), except for “Labs” and the Nursing “NSG” courses. See your advisor for more information.