Seven Generation Inter-Tribal Leadership Summit

The Seven Generations Inter-Tribal Leadership Summit will take place October 1-3, 2925 at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University, in partnership with the College of Menominee Nation and the Universities of Wisconsin.

The summit provides a forum for tribal leadership, educators, students, elders and community members to:

  • 2025 theme: Everything is connected to the water, and the water is what connects us all.

  • Learn from educators and industry professionals in 4 key areas

    • Education/Technology/Culture & Language Reclamation

    • Economic/Workforce Development

    • Health/Medicine/Safety

    • Environment:  Research, Protection, Policy/Legislation

  • Expand their networks and develop new partnerships

  • Practice visioning for the future

  • Engage in discourse concerning various interests for tribal communities

  • Ground ourselves in our culture while looking to the future


Registration will open July 1, 2025.

  • Professional - $199

  • Student - Free Admission

  • Elders - Free Admission

Call for Proposals

Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University (LCOOU), College of Menominee Nation (CMN), and the Universities of Wisconsin invite those interested in presenting at its 2025 Seven Generations Inter-Tribal Leadership – Innovation in Education Summit to submit a proposal for review by our Summit Planning Committee. Speaker proposals are evaluated objectively with consideration of the following criteria:

  • Degree to which the proposed session meets the summit/program objectives

  • Speaker's presentation skills and experience

  • Desirability of the topic

​No more than two proposals (the first two received) from one speaker will be considered. Please complete a separate application for each proposal.
Proposals to present must contain and convey sufficient detail to allow the Summit Planning Committee to understand how the proposed session will contribute to the conference objectives. Selection is competitive, so you must submit a compelling and complete proposal.

​Proposals are due by May 31, 2025. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Presentations are 1 hour, including 15 minutes for questions.

​To have your proposal considered for sponsorship by the Seven Generations Summit, your proposal must meet the following minimum criteria:

  • The topic must be relevant to the mission and activities of the particular group you are seeking sponsorship from

  • The topic proposal and the experience of the presenter must be of a high caliber

​Individual speakers (one to two speakers per session) receive a full complimentary conference registration. Group/panel presenters receive a complimentary registration for the day on which they speak and a reduced rate for the balance of the conference. Travel, lodging and meal expenses are the responsibility of the speaker unless selected for sponsorship.  All proposals will be considered for sponsorship, those who are selected by the committee for sponsorship will be contacted directly.

Please feel free to contact Bri Ormson at or 715.634.4790 ext. 165, with any questions you may have about this event and/or the invitation to participate.

Vendor Opportunities

Sponsorship opportunities are available for business and community partners to support the Seven Generations Inter-Tribal Leadership Summit – Innovation in Education.  If your business or organization would like to contribute to this event, consider one of the following:

Eagle Sponsor - $1000.00

Bear Sponsor - $500.00

Turtle Sponsor (Participant Registration Sponsorship) - $199/per person

Advertising – Contact Jenny Schlender for pricing information to showcase your business or organization on event publications.

​Invoices will be generated for sponsorship orders.  All sponsors will be recognized on program information, publicly and within the event.

Vendors will be provided one 8 foot table and two chairs.

Lodging Information

Coming soon.


Sponsorship Opportunities