Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University Accomplishments to Goal July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

(Lac Courte Oreilles) – September 30, 2024 - Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University (LCOOU) is pleased to share its successful annual accomplishments supporting the 2021/2024 Strategic Goals. The following are notable accomplishments from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024.

 1.       Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College will continue to implement our mission by expanding our services and strengthening our relationships to meet the needs of the communities we serve.

·         Implemented the elder discount policy for the next fiscal year. Review as needed annually.

·         Continued memberships to MASFAA (Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators), WASFAA (Wisconsin Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators), and NASFAA (National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators)

·         Continued FAFSA assistance to local schools.

·         Revised Financial Aid Policies & Procedures to align with the Department of Defense regulations for VA students and community members. Review as needed yearly.

·         Developed Financial Statements templates to provide Monthly Financial Statements to the Board of Regents.

·         Hosted campus expansion ground blessing and groundbreaking event celebrating new dormitories.

·         Campus expansion briefing to Tribal Governments, community foundations, and partners.

·         Hosted the 4th Annual Seven Generations Inter-tribal Leadership Summit in partnership with the College of Menominee Nation and Universities of Wisconsin.

·         Attended the State of Education Address in Madison.

·         Met with state representatives to share progress and future goals of the University.

·         Hosted Federal and State representatives on campus discuss partnership opportunities to support future goals of the University.

·         Attended the Johnson Scholarship Foundation Annual Meeting.

·         Attended the Hayward Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner.

·         Attended the Sawyer County/Lac Courte Oreilles Economic Development Corporation Annual Meeting.

·         Hosted Northwest Wisconsin Workforce Investment Board’s Winning with Wisconsin event.

·         Increased recruitment staffing to two full time recruiters.

·         FY24-25 Budget was approved.


2.       Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College will practice ethical and responsible conduct by continuing to develop and care for those in its employ.

·         Reviewed and processed Colleague procedures for 1099s, 1098-Ts, and W-2s.

·         Faculty and staff interviewed with WOJB and WRLS, ongoing.

·         Under new policy, employees that fall under “hourly” have been set up and timecards and training have been established.

·         Implemented the Grant Compliance Administrator position to work with grant project managers from application to end of grant; LCOOU administers approximately 50 grants.

·         Implemented the grant application procedure to ensure notification of management that a grant application is available, seek approval for grant application, and work with the CFO and Grant Compliance Administrator on application and budget for grant to ensure goals of the University are implemented in the grant and all allowable costs are requested and budgeted for appropriately.

·         The Dean of Students participated in the American Indian College Fund Women’s Visionaries Program


3.       Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College will proactively pursue innovative ways to enhance current support services and create new opportunities for its students and alumni.

·         Hosted the 3rd annual Migiziwag Dayesaashijig Gala, honored Christian Clarquist as Alumni of the Year.

·         Remodeled the university front entrance area which included painting, lights and the creation of a new space for the vending machines.

·         Reviewing the Amnesty program for the 2024-2025AY

·         Hosted Niigaaniziwin at the U event featuring Jay Schlender, GLIFWIC Administrator.

·         Spring and Fall 2024 registration mailer sent to area homes.

·         Announced new institutional scholarships – Marie Kuykendall Scholarship & Waaswaaganing Scholarship Fund.

·         Hosted the 4th Annual Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University Student Scholarship Golf Outing raising more than $25,000 to support the Student Scholarship Fund.

·         Amending the financial aid policy to better fit our needs.

·         Attended the Higher Learning Commission conference.

·         Emergency Aid distributions 50 students served $15,554.79 in aid distributed.

·         Internships 30 total

·         GED/HSED Graduates 21; GED/HSED participants 40

·         GED/HSED Outreach Sites 4 students

·         TRIO served 98 students

·         Events:

o   Community: Feast of Thanksgiving, Resource Fair, Career Fair, FASFA Nights

o   Student: Fun Study Week, Writing Workshops, TRIO Workshops, Internship Appreciation

·         Peer Mentors/Tutors 4 and served 12 students

·         Tutor software: 8 students

·         UWill Served 52 student/staff; 122 booked appointments


4.       Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College will continue to evaluate current academic offerings and develop new programs to meet the needs of the tribal and surrounding communities we serve.

·         Revitalized LCOOU Extension programming, offering many different Ojibwe Traditional crafts, harvesting wild foods and bringing in over 1300 Continuing Education Units in the spring of 2024.

·         State of Wisconsin approved us as an Emergency Medical Service Training Center

·         HLC approved the Emergency Medical Responder training course.

·         HLC approved the Emergency Medical Technician certificate

·         Hosted Native Nations Summit

·         Nursing program complete site visit from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing

·         Masters of Management refined and created seven out of the nine courses for the degree.

·         Masters of Human Services created second year courses. Created courses to be fully functional online courses which meets the needs of advancing students from all areas.

·         First time Masters in Management and Masters of Human Services graduates in May 2024.

·         Masters of Management program created a student Welcome aboard package and Zoom meetings in anticipation of an additional cohort of students.

·         Early Childhood Education program received a $310,000 grant from the American Indian College Fund to expand the program.

·         Moving Early Childhood Education certification to Career and Technical Education.

 5.       Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe College will continue to develop relationships to increase the capacity to accomplish its goals and meet the needs of its students.

·         Entered a contract with Woodstone, Inc. for the construction of the dorms.

·         Broke ground on student dormitories.

·         Revised Financial Aid Policies & Procedures to align with the Department of Defense regulations for VA students and community members. Review as needed annually.

·         Created and implemented scholarship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.

·         Reviewing student account balances and communicating with students to sign up for payment plans. Implemented new payment plan options for students. There was a 9.5% increase from previous semesters of students who signed up for a payment plan.

·         Implemented TouchNet software and students can make payments online and sign up for payment arrangements.

·         Implemented course fees and additional student charges for the Colleague system.

·         Financial Aid disbursed $910,599 to eligible students in Fall 2023

·         Financial Aid disbursed $68,500 to 75 students who completed the LCOOU Scholarship for Fall 2023

·         The Financial Audit was Approved.

·         Created a partnership with the Student Freedom Initiative to provide financial tools, work opportunities, technology, relationship building, and more.

·         Received AICF-TCU Scholarship for Summer 2024- $29,930

·         Disbursed over $1,292,321 of financial aid to eligible students for the 2023-2024 award year.

·         FISAP was approved.

·         Completed write-offs for deceased students.

·         Communicated with students informing them of the new payment plan policy for registration and worked with students to set them up.

·         Updated the fiscal policy to have a holds policy to assist with student balance collection.



Jamie Fleming: “You never know what your story could mean to someone.”