This page is a work-in-progress. The Native American Studies Department, its students, and its interns will be contributing to the contents of this page on an on-going basis. Miigwech!

The One-Stop Ojibwemowin Shop

Frequent Phrases

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask an Elder…

Ojibwemowin Grammar Resources

VTA Grammar Patterns Generator

The resource is a great one for several Indigenous languages in addition to Ojibwemowin. We especially recommend its Verb Transitive Animate (VTA) Grammar Patterns feature, available below. VTAs are verbs that describe an interaction between two (2) beings. Examples include the sentences “I see you” and “You hear him/her.” The resource is intuitive and easy to use. Beside the generator, it also includes quick-access flashcards.

Vocabulary Lists

The following are vocabulary words in Ojibwemowin intended to represents the day to day word domains you might come in contact with. This is an ongoing project and we will keep adding to this list of vocabulary words as we move forward with our One-Stop Ojibwemowin Shop.

In the kitchen

Inside the house

Talking about sports

Talking about movies